Basic For A Reason

It’s ok for health to be simple⁣, whether it’s for your mental, physical, or emotional health.⁣
According to research by the CDC, there are five key factors for preventing chronic disease. ⁣Here are the four I agree with (excluding “maintaining a normal body weight” due to a lack of supporting research [Afzal et al, 2016]): ⁣
1.Not smoking⁣⁣
2.Getting regular physical activity⁣⁣
3.Consuming little or no alcohol⁣⁣
4. Obtaining daily sufficient sleep (at least 7 hours)⁣⁣
That’s it. ⁣⁣
Sounds simple right? ⁣⁣
Well, not necessarily. ⁣⁣
‼️ A whopping 6.5% of people in the U.S. regularly engage in all five factors ‼️⁣
If they were so “simple” more people would be doing these things. ⁣⁣
So before you get lost obsessing about whether you should do crossfit or run a marathon, or start keto… consider taking a walk, setting a goal to try new vegetables, and prioritizing sleep. Switch beer for seltzer. Start to cut back on smoking.⁣

⁣In my practice, I work with people on these foundations for health and we strategize ways to make these behaviors easy, consistent, and achievable. I know its less sexy than everything trending in health right now, but the basics are basic for a reason.⁣
⁣                                                                                           ⁣⁣Resources

Afzal, S., Tybjærg-Hansen, A., Jensen, G. B., & Nordestgaard, B. G. (2016). Change in body mass index associated with                                 lowest mortality in Denmark, 1976-2013. Jama315(18), 1989-1996.

Liu, Y, Croft, JB, Wheaton, AG, Kanny, D, Cunningham TJ, Lu, H, et al (2016). Clustering of Five Health-Related                                                Behaviors for Chronic Disease Prevention Among Adults. Preventing Chronic Disease, 13(160054).


{Cover art by Loni Thompson}